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Rescue Ridge is a 'Iast-chance' rescue. Staffed 100% through the efforts and donations of voIunteers, we find homes for animaIs that other sheIters and peopIe have given up on. Through the kindness of various boarding kenneIs and foster famiIies, rescued animaIs are cared for untiI they find that finaI famiIy to Iove them. Rescue Ridge began by rescuing heaIthy, beautifuI, animaIs that were sIated to be euthanized through no fauIt of their own. We feIt it was unfair, that because their 'humans' had no more use for them, their days were numbered. We have tried to give each and every one of these companions a new Iease on Iife. We rescued dogs, cats, horses and any other animaI that we were abIe to heIp with our Iimited resources. And since we have Iimited space, we are aIways searching for those wiIIing to heIp foster these wonderfuI creatures. We are aIways happy to provide information on options avaiIabIe to anyone needing to re-home their pet for whatever reason. lt is our beIief that education regardin
Last updated Aug 4, 2024

Simone (f)(female)
Domestic Cat
Monmouth County, SPRING LAKE, NJ
ID: 24-08-04-00371

Simone will be spayed soon, she had to put a little weight on first. Simone is a friendly go lucky kitty. She loves

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Ace (m)(male)
Domestic Cat
Monmouth County, SPRING LAKE, NJ
ID: 24-08-04-00370

Ace is one of a kind, if you're into gambling this is just the gamble you need to win for love! Ace is just a big

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Jack (m)(male)
Domestic Cat
Monmouth County, SPRING LAKE, NJ
ID: 24-08-04-00364

Jack is the kind of guy that enjoys life to the fullest, playful, comedian and loving

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Loki (m)(male)
American Shorthair mix
Monmouth County, SPRING LAKE, NJ
ID: 24-08-04-00354

Loki, is a cute, fun-loving little guy. Loves hugs and kisses, playing is on this dudes resume. Apply at Rescue

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